Friday, April 17, 2009

Running with Priests.

Springtime is finally upon us here in the far north. I took the opportunity this morning to go for a run out in the fresh air. Not only did I need the air and exercise after being cooped up all winter in my apartment, but the Air Force PT test is coming up in as little as next month. I'm still trying to figure out what is going on inside the heads of the people that organize this thing.

Anyway, that wasn't what I wanted to write about. While I was on my run, I was listening to a podcast, Healthy Catholic - Episode 1. It stuck me about halfway, right before I turned around, as to what an accomplishment it was to be listening to that. Obviously we've had transmitted voice for decades, and some type of widespread portable recorded technology since the 1970s. But, there I was, listening to a Catholic priest from the Netherlands in Europe on a device that was no bigger than two of my fingers. Fascinating.

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